Adobe Premiere Sequence Presets

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Creative Ways to Make Vertical iPhone Video Landscape in Premiere Pro

Today’s post is guest authored by Sean Schools, aka Premiere Bro. You can find the original post on the Premiere Bro blog.

Updated 12/1/15 to reflect a new workflow for opening a Premiere Clip project in Premiere Pro CC.

It will happen. If you are a video editor for any considerable amount of time, sooner or later, you will be asked to edit vertical iPhone video. Here are a few creative ways of converting 1080×1920 (9:16) video to landscape in Premiere Pro.

Despite the rise in popularity of vertical video on social media, it still remains an unprofessional format—for now. Even with YouTube supporting vertical video playback and improving vertical video statistics on Snapchat (9x more completed views than horizontal videos), most filmmakers are still uploading horizontal videos, even on square video platforms like Vine and Instagram. While portrait-style video may eventually become a professionally accepted format, it still presents a challenge for video editors who are expected to deliver standard 16:9 videos. However, conforming vertical video to landscape leaves a lot of room for creativity. Literally. Here are several ways to get rid of those black bars and make your vertical video look snazzy in landscape.

PLEASE NOTE: The following assumes your video is shot on an Apple iPhone and has a vertical resolution of 1080×1920.

If you started your edit in Adobe Premiere Clip, simply tap the share button and select Edit in Premiere Pro. This will send your project and all of the associated media (videos, titles, soundtrack) to your Adobe Creative Cloud folder. Launch Adobe Premiere Pro CC and choose File > Convert Premiere Clip Project.

You’ll be dropped into the AdobePremiereClipExport folder in your Creative Cloud account. Navigate to the project you want to open and import its XML file. Your project’s media will appear in the Project panel and a sequence will appear in the timeline with a landscape resolution of 1920×1080.

Check out this tutorial for a step-by-step.

Remember, dropping portrait footage on the New Sequence icon in Premiere Pro will create a portrait sequence that matches your footage. If you didn’t start with a Premiere Clip project, or if you want to create a new sequence from your portrait media, you will need to create a new landscape sequence for your footage. Always choose “Keep existing sequence settings” if prompted.

1. Duplicate background

Drag your portrait clip into a new 1920×1080 sequence, or continue working with the sequence auto-populated from your Premiere Clip project. With your vertical video clip selected, right click and select Set to Frame Size. This will make your footage fit vertically within the frame. Option + click and drag (or copy and paste) your clip on to a track above. Repeat this so you have duplicated your clip twice. Be sure to check that your clips stay in sync. Select one of the duplicated clips and adjust its position either left or right. Do the opposite for the other duplicated clip. The result should look like this:

If you’re not a math person, you’d think that three side-by-side 1080×1920 clips would seamlessly fit into a 1920×1080 canvas. But it doesn’t. Here are some suggested scale/position values to make the duplicated footage fill the screen and appear symmetrical:



Position: 960 540

Scale: 60

NOTE: The center image is on the top track (V3) in the timeline.


Position: 315 540

Scale: 60


Position: 1600 540

Scale: 60

Adobe Premiere Sequence Presets

Your duplicated video should now evenly fill the screen:

TIP: Blur the right and left clips and drop their opacity. Try laying down a solid color under the clips and experiment with different transfer modes.

2. Fill background

This second option achieves the same look as the first, but instead of duplicated clips on either side, it’s the same image scaled to fill the background. With your portrait clip in a 1920×1080 sequence, right click and select Set to Frame Size. Pump up the scale to an even 60. Then, duplicate the clip and place the copy underneath the original. Scale the duplicated clip up to an even 180. Adjust the Y position value to taste (increase scale to adjust the X value if necessary). Add a blur effect to the background clip to not only draw focus to the center, but also hide any loss of quality from scaling.

TIP: Drop the opacity of the background clip and experiment with drop shadows on the foreground clip as well. Try freeze framing the background on a frame that summarizes the content or setting of the clip.

3. Align L or R on solid background

This is a great look, especially if you’re working with onscreen text. In your 1920×1080 sequence, right click your vertical video clip in the timeline and select Set to Frame Size. Here are the scale/position values to align your portrait footage to the left or right side of the frame:


Position: 324 540

Scale: 60


Position: 1596 540

Scale: 60

TIP: Instead of text, try adding still images opposite the video. This works great for interviews!

4. Full screen

This option will make your vertical footage appear as if it were shot landscape-style. However, in order to preserve quality, it will not work in a 1920×1080 sequence. In fact, your final export will be exactly half that resolution: 960×540. Create a new sequence like the one below:

NOTE: I choose to enable Maximum Render Quality for better quality scaling.

Now, when you drag your clip into your sequence, again, be sure to select Keep Existing Settings, but this time do not set the clip to the frame size. Instead, scale the clip down to 89 to recover the hidden pixels beyond the edge of the frame. Similar to the Fill option above, adjust the Y position value to taste.

Sequence Presets For Adobe Premiere Pro

TIP: This option begs for creative digital tilts. Experiment with animating the clip up and down to follow the action in your clip.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post! Of course, this post was inspired by having to work with some vertical iPhone footage myself. Please get in touch with me if you have other creative suggestions for working with vertical video. All comments and/or corrections are welcome. Thanks!

About the Author:

Sean Schools is the award-winning video editor for JK Design in New Jersey. Sean moonlights as Premiere Bro, a screen name and blog dedicated to enriching the Premiere Pro community by sharing original and curated Premiere Pro content. Sean is a graduate of Full Sail University and is always cutting new teeth on editing. Visit the Premiere Bro blog at You can also follow Sean on Twitter @premierebro.

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- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington, and welcome tothis course where we'll be exploring Dynamic Link.Dynamic Link is a collection of technologiesdesigned to make it easier for workflow.Ultimately, you'll be working withAdobe Premiere Pro, but it's super easyto hand off files to many differentapplications in the Adobe Suite.We'll be taking a look at how simpleit is to jump to applications likeAfter Effects for motion graphics,or Adobe Audition to enhance audio.Additionally, there are other technologiesthat don't technically fall underDynamic Link, but make it easy touse commands like edit in or smart objectsso that you can easily exchange filesand assets without extra hurdles.

The goal here is to reduce the overallamount of rendering and how manyfiles you have to hand back and forth.Every time you end up duplicatingan asset or making a new version,it's one more thing to keep track ofand one more file to back up, and ultimately,one more file on your hard drive.In this course, we've got a lot of things to explore.First, we'll cover what is Dynamic Link.It requires you to really think throughhow you're going to approach the projectand what steps you want to work with.Adobe gives you many different waysfrom constantly leaving things linkedto using Dynamic Link temporarilyand then switching over to rendered files.

Then we'll focus on the relationshipbetween Premiere Pro and After Effects.These two applications are designedto work very well together andseveral recent updates improve thisby making it even easier to exchangeessential graphics between the two programs.We'll then explore the Audition workflow.Adobe Audition is designed to makeit easier to enhance your audio.A lot of this functionality hasmade it into the essential audio panel,but I'll still show you how you caneasily exchange clips and sequencesinto Audition for advanced repair.

We'll then talk about using Adobe Photoshopto prepare your still images, as wellas how to to advanced processing to video clips.There are many reasons to jump toPhotoshop and I'll show you howeasy it is to switch from Premiere to Photoshop.Then we'll talk about Prelude.Normally, Prelude is used at the beginningof a project to get assets organized,but I've put it here toward the end as it'slikely a big change in workflow for many of you.We'll also talk about some otheradvanced options of working inside of Premiere Pro.

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This'll include how to make the bestchoices when it comes to takingadvantage of things like slow motion effectsand how to handle the render filesassociated with Dynamic Link clips.There's a lot of different choices to makewhen it comes to how your media is handled.We've got a lot of ground to cover, so let's get started.